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Being responsible for choosing what clothes to wear develops both confidence and independence for a child. That’s why a preschool song about seasons is a great tool to use with your kids Knowing how to dress for the weather is of key importance as they learn to take care of their own needs. “What Shall We Wear” offers children a way to choose the appropriate clothing by connecting it to the weather outside. Use the included visuals to show your students how to put together their own outfits! This will give them tangible examples of clothes they can choose for each season. I wonder what outfits they will make while playing with this preschool song about seasons!
Circle Time Success by Musically Minded

Teaching children to observe the weather with a preschool song about weather is a great way to introduce them to science. It also has greater meaning to them because they experience each and every day when they are outside. Creating a chart where each day’s weather is recorded offers an opportunity to see weather patterns and the connection to weather changes and seasons. This preschool weather song comes with it’s own weather chart. It is simple and colorful, perfect for students to use on their own or with the help of their teacher during circle time. Give this preschool song about weather a try in your classroom!
Circle Time Success by Musically Minded

This classroom hello song allows you to add each child’s name to the song and welcome them to circle time. Taking the time to show each child that they are a valuable member of the learning community builds self-confidence and a sense of belonging. Fostering these skills at an early age in children helps cement the idea that they are important and special. Look each child in the eye when their name is called to let them know you are focusing on only them. This classroom hello song also develops emergent literacy. Children have an easier time linking a child’s face to their name when a picture of each child is shown with their name. By providing this visual clue, a child can correctly identify their written name in print as well as their classmates’ names – a great confidence builder! Using a classroom hello song will build a sense of community in the classroom. Help your students learn each other’s names to reinforce the new concepts of empathy and compassion for others they learn during their preschool years. Make sure every student has a chance to learn other’s names and to have other’s learn their name to help foster a respectful and supportive classroom.
Circle Time Success by Musically Minded

This bouncing song for toddlers is beneficial for all children beginning at birth. Infants will enjoy the gentle bouncing with their caregiver, while older children will find the increasing tempo to be a fun challenge. Little do they realize, they are gaining two key pre-literacy skills: vocabulary and rhyming. Keeping the beat on the body fosters temporal awareness and is a key component in creating the mind/body connection.
Circle Time Success by Musically Minded