Grand Old Duke of York


This preschool action song will be a hit in your class as your students learn to identify directional cues. Preschools is a great time to introduce your students to directional cues. As they learn these cues, they will be able to better navigate their world around them, and better understand how their body moves through space. They will practice up/down and left/right while following along with this silly song, all while practice gross motor movements and spatial awareness.



Preschool action songs are great for learning a variety of concepts. This one will teach your students up/down, and left/right, as they pretend to march with the duke himself! With this download, you will receive:

  • Grand Old Duke of York digital audio track- Keep it handy so you’re always ready to sing and play with your students
  • Grand Old Duke of York Activity Guide –  includes what kids learn (goals/objectives), how to teach it, suggested materials/instruments