For You and You and Me


Transition times can be chaotic and disorganized, opening up the opportunity for undesirable behavior. Finding a way to keep children engaged so they don’t get off task, is key. At circle time, passing out a class set of materials is one of those moments. Use the circle time transition song “For You and You and Me” to keep your children’s attention so they don’t even need to think of something else to do.



A circle time transition song is a valuable tool to have in your classroom. Your students will learn that it is time to sit and wait for something being passed out when they hear this song. This will teach them to wait patiently and and anticipate what is coming next during circle time. With this download, you will receive:

  • For You and You and Me digital audio track- Keep it handy so you’re always ready to sing and play with your students
  • For You and You and Me Activity Guide –  includes what kids learn (goals/objectives), how to teach it, suggested materials/instruments