Showing 65–79 of 79 results

Here is a great preschool music activity to introduce dynamics to your students. Children can recognize changes in volume very early in life, so why not start building the connection betweeb volume and dynamics. Increasing their musical vocabulary will help them later in school when learning to sing in choir or play a solo instrument. This song will also help them practice following directions and musical cues. See if your students can match the dynamics they hear in this preschool music activity.
Tap Tap Clickety Clack by Musically Minded

Counting to four has never been so much fun or sounded so different. That’s because “Tappin’ at the Window” is a preschool song about world language that teaches children how to count to four in different languages. Doing so, shows them how words in a foreign language mean the same thing just said differently. Ask children if they know how to count to four in another language. They may speak a home language and sharing this knowledge with their peers can be very empowering!
Circle Time Success by Musically Minded

This singing and dancing preschool activity will create valuable opportunities for your preschoolers to practice singing, gross motor movements, and vocal exploration. Vocal exploration will create the building blocks for your students musical education. Furthermore, it will help very young children begin to develop speech and language skills. Encourage your students to jump and play with the bullfrog as they listen for verbal cues in the song. This will allow opportunities for them to practice following directions and active listening. Looing for more ways to have fun with this singing and dancing preschool activity? Learn the chorus and improvise some verses of your own! For example, have your students hop, skip, whisper, hum, and croak along with the bullfrog. The Bullfrog by Musically Minded

It’s so much fun to pretend to be a brave firefighter. Adding music and instruments makes pretend play so engaging and rewarding, your students will play along with this circle time action song from start to finish. Help them follow the directions in this song and play their finger cymbals, mimicking the bell in the fire station. Try this circle time action song with movements too and act out the job of a firefighter!
The Firetruck Song by Musically Minded

This preschool song about shapes illustrates just how easy it is to weave math, literacy and music into one activity. “The Shape Song” fosters pre-literacy skills by helping children explore many of the shapes that make up letters. For example, a triangle is a shape found in the upper case “A” while a rectangle is a shape found in the upper case “E.” They also practice directionality or moving across the page from left-to-right. The preschool song about shapes fosters math skills as well. The ability to recognize geometric shapes and designs is another part of our everyday math experiences.
Circle Time Success by Musically Minded

This show and tell song will help keep your students engaged and respectful during show and tell. Show and tell isn’t only about giving the children a reason to bringing toys to class. Each child’s social, emotional and language skills will grow and develop from this activity as the children learn to use descriptive language, practice listening skills and share their special items with others. Sharing prized possessions with peers makes for a fun and comfortable learning arena for everyone involved. Try using this show and tell song to help your class stay focused while everyone takes turns sharing.
Circle Time Success by Musically Minded

This little rhythmic song will help your students learn to keep a steady beat as they dance and sing. The musical beat is the building block to all music. Once your students learn to identify this using songs about musical beat, they can move on to learning other music theory concepts and have a better understanding of the music they hear in their world. Using preschool songs about rhythm will help students learn to internalize musical beat. In turn, this will improve gross motor skills, spatial awareness, and will teach students to listen for musical cues. Encourage your students to count along and anticipate what number is next. This will give them a chance to practice their counting skills and prepare them for math later on in their education.
Tick Tock Cuckoo Clock by Musically Minded

Introduce your students to tempo with this fast paced preschool action song. Help them listen for cues to perform different actions, then see if they can match their movements to the tempo of the music. This song is repeats actions and prompts at different tempos, allowing many opportunities for success and mastery. This will build confidence and strengthen those associations between tempo and music vocabulary.
Touchin’ Toes by Musically Minded

This preschool songs about shapes will help your students develop fine motor skills by having them trace shapes with their pretend trains. Tracing shapes is a great way to help them prepare to learn to write later in their education. As a result, they will have more success and confidence in their math and writing skills when they enter grade school. In addition, this song will provide opportunities for your preschoolers to practice following directions, a skill that will be wildly important throughout their life. Can they keep their train on the tracks?
Train Shapes by Musically Minded

Help your students practice rhythm matching, vocal exploration, and tempo all in this one imaginative activity. Students will move throughout the room, helping them internalize the tempo of the music, and match the rhythm each animal sings. They will be so engaged moving and singing with each animal, they won’t even realize they are learning valuable skills. Practice these rhythms with your students and join in on the fun!
Walk in the Park by Musically Minded

Turn chaos to calm by adding this fun classroom clean up song. This catchy tune will have everything put away in no time! Unfortunately, the song alone won’t do the job. They will need some initial coaching from their “More Knowing Other.” A mess to a child can be overwhelming, and it may seem easier to do it yourself to avoid push back. But taking the easy way out on this mundane task will mean walking away from teaching a life-long skill. Make clean up a fun and approachable job with our classroom clean up song.
Circle Time Success by Musically Minded

Being responsible for choosing what clothes to wear develops both confidence and independence for a child. That’s why a preschool song about seasons is a great tool to use with your kids Knowing how to dress for the weather is of key importance as they learn to take care of their own needs. “What Shall We Wear” offers children a way to choose the appropriate clothing by connecting it to the weather outside. Use the included visuals to show your students how to put together their own outfits! This will give them tangible examples of clothes they can choose for each season. I wonder what outfits they will make while playing with this preschool song about seasons!
Circle Time Success by Musically Minded

Teaching children to observe the weather with a preschool song about weather is a great way to introduce them to science. It also has greater meaning to them because they experience each and every day when they are outside. Creating a chart where each day’s weather is recorded offers an opportunity to see weather patterns and the connection to weather changes and seasons. This preschool weather song comes with it’s own weather chart. It is simple and colorful, perfect for students to use on their own or with the help of their teacher during circle time. Give this preschool song about weather a try in your classroom!
Circle Time Success by Musically Minded

This classroom hello song allows you to add each child’s name to the song and welcome them to circle time. Taking the time to show each child that they are a valuable member of the learning community builds self-confidence and a sense of belonging. Fostering these skills at an early age in children helps cement the idea that they are important and special. Look each child in the eye when their name is called to let them know you are focusing on only them. This classroom hello song also develops emergent literacy. Children have an easier time linking a child’s face to their name when a picture of each child is shown with their name. By providing this visual clue, a child can correctly identify their written name in print as well as their classmates’ names – a great confidence builder! Using a classroom hello song will build a sense of community in the classroom. Help your students learn each other’s names to reinforce the new concepts of empathy and compassion for others they learn during their preschool years. Make sure every student has a chance to learn other’s names and to have other’s learn their name to help foster a respectful and supportive classroom.
Circle Time Success by Musically Minded

This bouncing song for toddlers is beneficial for all children beginning at birth. Infants will enjoy the gentle bouncing with their caregiver, while older children will find the increasing tempo to be a fun challenge. Little do they realize, they are gaining two key pre-literacy skills: vocabulary and rhyming. Keeping the beat on the body fosters temporal awareness and is a key component in creating the mind/body connection.
Circle Time Success by Musically Minded