Showing 49–64 of 79 results

Play along with this kids song about food to pretend to make a sandwich just with your hands (or try using musical spoons). Encourage your students to follow along with this action song and practice cross lateral movements like spreading and reaching. Imaginative play is a great tool for learning, especially in young students. It motivates them to try new things and connect new concepts to familiar ones, like making their favorite sandwich. This song is also great for practicing sequencing. Ask your students what step they think should come next as they play along to help them think ahead.
Peanut Butter and Jelly by Musically Minded

Students will be totally engaged in this peekaboo game as they hide their scarves and let them “pop” out just like the weasel. Teach them to match tempo by having them dance along with the music as it gets faster and faster. Change the movement each round to help them learn gross motor skills. They will also practice fine motor skills as they scrunch up their scarves into their fists in order to let them pop out. Try this with infants and very young students to practice visual tracking, listening, and hand eye coordination. Give this familiar rhyming song a try with your class!
Pop Goes the Weasel by Musically Minded

Parachute games are a great way to get your children working and playing together in a collaborative environment. Encourage them to use their muscles to move the parachute up and down. Through this motion, they will develop gross motor skills and practice the concept of opposites. Help them move around the circle to increase their spatial awareness as they play this silly children’s parachute game. Ring Around the Rosey by Musically Minded

A freeze dance song is a great way to help add some movement to circle time. It may seem like your students are just dancing, but they are also learning valuable skills. When learning to stop with the music, your students are learning to listen for non-verbal cues. This will help them develop socially, musically, and academically. After they understand how to listen for the music to stop, teach them to listen for other cues, like tempo, rhythm, and instrument types.
Rock and Stop by Musically Minded

Children love pretend play and are motivated by opportunities to use their imagination. This listening activity for preschool is a great opportunity for that! Encourage them to play these rhythms along with the animals and watch them learn musical and listening skills through pretend play. The silly characters will keep them engaged in the activity while they practice new skills. Play along with your students while you all learn through this listening activity for preschool!
Rockin’ at the Pond by Musically Minded

Children are great at following non-verbal cues. Help them understand the concepts of quiet and loud, and they will have no trouble listening for dynamics in music. Being able to follow non-verbal cues will not only help your child in music, but will help them develop socially as they learn to identify social cues. For example, people talk quietly in a library and loudly at a ballgame, or quietly when they are telling a secret, and loudly when they are excited. Give them some real-world examples like a train whistle and butterfly wings, then ask them to play like either one.
Sand Blocks Crescendo Decrescendo by Musically Minded

Goodbye songs are very important in providing a predictable structure for children. Why not make goodbye a fun experience with this circle time goodbye song. Goodbye songs re invaluable during your circle time. They act as an audible cue for the children to know it is time to go. “See You Later Alligator” is a fun, engaging, and silly circle time goodbye song they will be singing all the way home.
See You Later, Alligator by Musically Minded

Building a snowman is a right of passage – as long as you live in a climate with snow that is. To help those friends with and without the white stuff, why not make him out of shapes and symbols? That way all our friends, no matter their weather, can join in the fun too!
With this download, you and your children will enjoy:
- Shapes and Symbols Snowman digital audio track
- Activity Guide – includes what kids learn (goals/objectives), how to teach it, suggested materials/instruments
- Shapes and Symbols Snowman visuals – great for use at circle on a felt board!
Shapes and Symbols Snowman by Musically Minded

Improvisation is a fun way to encourage students to use their imagination in music class. This preschool singing game is a great way to practice this skill! There is no wrong way to improvise, so any child can be successful in improvisatory music. Introduce your children to scat singing, a type of vocal improvisation that uses nonsense syllables, and build their confidence with this more structured version of scat singing. Once your students are comfortable singing with the recording, ask them to make up their own lines!
Sing and Scat by Musically Minded

Pretend play is one of the most powerful ways a child can learn about the world around them. This circle time movement song is a great way to teach your students about slow and fast. The concepts of slow and fast are only concepts to the children until they fully experience them as they take on the role of a turtle and a rabbit. Being able to move slowly like a turtle and quickly like a rabbit has far greater meaning than being told how these animals move. In “Slow Turtles and Fast Rabbits,” children gain a better understanding of slow and fast by experiencing them through multiple senses, auditory, visual and kinesthetic.
Circle Time Success by Musically Minded

Your kids will love this hiding game they play with their ears and you’ll love how it strengthens their listening skills! Download the digital audio track, activity guide, book/visual and view the video demonstration so you’ll know just how to teach this catchy tune. Click on the play button below to hear the song!Someone’s In the Jungle by Musically Minded

Sound in the house is an interactive preschool listening game that that requires your students to focus on and identify different sounds they hear in their world. The ability to focus on a sound not only builds concentration, but auditory discrimination as well. Both of these skills are needed as children learn to both speak and read. Help your students identify each sound with the included visuals for you to use on your felt board!
There’s a Sound in the House (Full) by Musically Minded

This circle time listening activity is a multisensory experience because it encourages listening, moving, and responding in ways that engage both mind and body. It provides a fun context for learning musical skills and concepts while challenging physical, cognitive and social development. Your class will hear music vocabulary and have to follow musical cues to understand how they should move their bodies. In turn, they will learn to follow directions and coordinate their gross motor movements all while learning music theory. Demonstrate ways to move to the music and watch them learn as they play along with this circle time listening activity.
Circle Time Success by Musically Minded

Passing something around the circle so each child can have a turn can be difficult for some children. A circle time sharing song is a great way to cue your students when their turn is over. “Takin’ Turns” helps children begin to see that sharing can be a good thing! The song helps to strengthen key self-regulation skills such as self-control as they wait for their turn as well as respect for others as they watch their classmates take their turn. Simply turn the song on and it will do all the work for you. How? There is a build in bridge in-between the singing of the songs that tells the children it is time to pass the sharing item on. Works like a charm!
Takin’ Turns by Musically Minded

In this preschool dance song, your students will have to listen for changes in the music to know when to change the way they are dancing. Learning to pay attention to non verbal cues like this can be helpful to your students when they are learning musical skills. Additionally, many social interactions rely on non verbal cues, so understanding how to identify these will help your preschoolers as they develop socially and emotionally. Encourage them to play collaboratively with their peers and dance together during this preschool dance song. Teach them a few tango dance steps too to make the experience even more memorable!
Tango a la Turtle by Musically Minded

The ability to follow directions requires children to focus on what the teacher is saying. Tap Like I’m Tapping, a circle time rhythm song, is a great opportunity to practice this. This circle time rhythm song encourages children to practice this skill by requiring them to listen as well as watch, in order to participate along with their classmates. This social aspect is very motivating and powerful. Once the children have learned this circle time song, it opens up the door for them to create new ways to tap their sticks. Not only does this promote creative thinking, but it also gives children pride when their idea is chosen. Tapping on the body with rhythm sticks provides a physical representation of the beat which helps children create a strong sense of temporal awareness. This will help children later as they internalize the beat when they are being read to and when reading alone (Block, 2001, p. 44).
Circle Time Success by Musically Minded