I’ve Been Learning My Alphabet
Did you know…Children’s knowledge of letter names and sounds is the best predictor of their later reading and spelling abilities (Hammill, 2004; Scarborough, 1998; Schatschneider, Fletcher, Francis, Carlson, & Foorman, 2004).
“I’ve Been Learning My Alphabet” shows children not all letters say their name when it comes to sounding them out in a word. For example the letter “w” sounds like it starts with a “d” yet it makes the sound “ww.” Teaching children the sound the letter makes first is the information they will most benefit from to break the code as a reader. Adding a movement (sign language) for each word creates a multi-sensory experience. This approach has greater meaning for children and stays with them longer (Pica, 2007).
Ready to check out this song in action? Watch the video below. Try and do as many of the signs along with me! Then click on the resources below so you can start teaching this activity with your kids!
Get the Activity Resources!
Now it’s time to teach your kids! Download “I’ve Been Learnin’ My Alphabet” audio download and activity guide here. If you’d like to bring in a visual, click here to download the book!