Matilda the Gorilla
If you are looking for ways to get kids engaged at circle time, look no further than the ukulele! It’s one of the easiest instruments to learn to play and…
If you are looking for ways to get kids engaged at circle time, look no further than the ukulele! It’s one of the easiest instruments to learn to play and…
Did you know that one of the best ways to get your child ready to read is to sing with them? When you pair a book with a song, you…
Did you know that songs are fantastic for teaching skills across the curriculum? The song I have for you today is no exception! “Five Little Fishies in the Sea” is a home…
Birds are all around us and they have something to say! Just listen for a minute as you play in the backyard or take a walk in the forest and…
This week we are learning all about food, yum! Kids love this theme because it is so meaningful. And when a topic is meaningful, they make connections. To make it…
Looking up at the night sky, it’s hard not to miss the moon and the stars. And what about all those planets? If you and your little ones are ready…
Dinosaurs are ALWAYS a hit in our music classes. Check out my Facebook LIVE where I share lots of songs perfect for a dinosaur circle time. Then grab your copy…
Once upon a time… There was a preschool teacher name Cindy who started every circle time with a story. Sometimes she’d make up a story and use one of the…
It’s almost summer road trip season and that means long hours in the car with a lot of “I’m bored,” and “are we there yet?” comments coming from the backseat….
When I was about 3 years old, I had a Sunday School teacher, Fern Peterson, who always told us flannel board stories. I loved her and all her stories. Turns…
It is never too early to begin fostering a love for one’s country. That’s why it is important for even our youngest citizen to be given opportunities to learn more…
All week my mind has been on recycling since that is our theme for the month here at Musically Minded. I’ve been extra attentive to what is getting thrown in…