5 Songs to Sing at Circle Time
Singing is so useful during circle time. It grabs attention in a way that speaking can’t, and children listen more carefully when they have to figure out what directions are being sung. Children also benefit when they themselves sing, as they are building confidence, exploring vocal sound, and learning skills that will help them learn to read! Check out these great activities and try singing them during your circle time!
#1 The Bullfrog
This silly song incorporates vocal exploration and movement into one action packed activity! Teach you students to move like the bullfrog, then have them use their singing voices to sing along with them.

#2 Mr. Moon
This lovely little song is easy to sing, and can be used with any age group. Download the activity to see how to use hand signs and turn this song into a peekaboo game!

#3 Rain Rain Go Away
This is a song that is always fun to sing on a rainy day! Teach your students the signs to a few words like rain, go away, and play to use as they sing. Check out the sign language in this video!

#4 Ring Around the Rosey
This traditional children’s’ song is a great one to teach to your little ones! Help them sing along and show them how to fall down and stand up with the lyrics!

#5 See You Later Alligator
See You Later Alligator is a silly goodbye song your students will love singing at the end of circle time! Try making up some new rhymes with your students to add to the song!